Information for Missourians as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.MU Extension COVID-19 Resources

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谷歌云免费12个月,中国大陆用户不支持,失望 丨 知识吧:2021-6-3 · 妈蛋,又白折腾了,看来随着谷歌云的系统完善,是真的不希望国人再去谷歌云捡便宜了,哎知识吧小编66站长也是白费劲了半天,到现在也没能注册到谷歌云免费12个月的服务器来使用。 那么有没有办法搞到谷歌云免费12个月的服务器?


View all events
Clay County 4-H SNAC Camp
Stay Strong, Stay Healthy - Level 1
Walk with Ease - Macon
A Matter of Balance - Union

News & articles

Tigers for Troops: Helping rural veterans navigate the VA benefits system
Drought increases risk of forage poisoning
MU Extension: Do not plant seeds you did not order
UM System Health Care Finder: Helping to identify and solve local health care needs


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谷歌浏览器Google Chrome74.0.3729.131x64+32位自带更新 ...:2021-5-4 · 本帖最后由 铁板铜锣烧 于 2021-5-4 14:37 编辑 不用搭梯子直接更新版 从此更新不求人! PS:此版本为安装版,而并非便携版
Starting a 75-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy
Biology and Management of Japanese Beetle
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Short-Term Operating Plan for Farms and Ranches
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Online courses

View all online courses


HAI-Infection Prevention on the Frontlines: Back to the Basics---in the Midst of a Global Pandemic


Ozarks Region Neighborhood Leadership Academy

Online course

Hazardous Materials/WMD Incident Response Awareness-2021

Online course

Food Preservation-2023

Online course

noteshelf 谁有破解版下载?没谷歌。。。。 - 华为 MatePad ...:2021-6-3 · 平板没谷歌的话先按教程把谷歌刷上,然后再搭梯子上谷歌,再去淘宝买礼品卡充值买软件 发表于 2021-1-10 08:59 回复 支持 反对 举报 Cessiate 略有小成 发表于 2021-1-9 ...

Online course

Miller/Maries Neighborhood Leadership Academy


View all services
SparkMap Mapping and Reporting Tools Subscription
FCoin科学上网神器,利用谷歌云免费搭建属于自己的梯子 ...:2021-5-13 · FCoin作为宇宙第一数字货币交易所,经常看有些用户抱怨怎么又打开不了www.fcoin.com和FCoin的app啦,怎么又掉线啦等等,此时你需要一个稳定又好用的VPN,论坛里面咋能没有如何翻墙这种帖子呢,,今天就为大家带来一个免费的梯子教程,最重要的是免费 免费 免费(重要的事情说三遍),下面进入正题


Agriculture and environment

Protecting Missouri's environment and natural resources while enhancing economic viability.

Business and community

Helping Missouri businesses and communities succeed and fostering leadership through proven, tested counseling and training methods.



Research-based information and programs to help people improve quality of life in all environments, including where they live, work, learn and relax.

Health and safety

Educating professionals to preserve and protect the health and safety of Missourians statewide at work, at home and in public.

Continuing education

Missouri Training Institute(opens in new window)

MTI provides training and consulting to public, private and not-for-profit organizations to improve business performance and organizational effectiveness.


MU Fire and Rescue Training Institute(opens in new window)

FRTI provides comprehensive education and skills training for Missouri’s fire and emergency service responders.



Builds a learning community for 50+ adults based on an array of courses, special events and seminars.


Continuing Medical Education and Physician Lifelong Learning(opens in new window)

Educating physicians and other health care providers to advance and improve the standard of care in Missouri.

Labor Education Program(opens in new window)

Developing and delivering trade union leadership in Missouri and other Midwestern states


Law Enforcement Training Institute(opens in new window)

Providing basic and advanced law enforcement training as well as animal cruelty investigation programs.

MU Conference Office(opens in new window)

The MU Conference Office helps implement distinctive, customized, face-to-face events (including continuing education), meeting budgets while exceeding goals.


Nursing Outreach2022手机可用翻墙梯子

Showcases high-quality and affordable lifelong learning opportunities for Missouri's registered nurses.


Veterinary Extension and Continuing Education(opens in new window)

Provides continuing education opportunities for veterinarians and animal owners for CEUs via lectures and seminars.

MU Land-Grant Society

We are proud to announce the creation of a donor recognition society for MU Extension and Engagement. Learn how you can be a member.

Truman the tiger mascot

Student success is Missouri made

You want your student to succeed. At Mizzou, that is our priority. We're committed to helping students reach their maximum potential by focusing on:

  • College affordability
  • Student support systems
  • Innovations for lifelong learning
  • 2022手机可用翻墙梯子
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